
Abuja Real Estate Auction

ABUJA PROPERTY AUCTIONAbuja Properties for a Fraction!You Bid! You Win!With 40 Properties to be sold for the Fraction of the Cost! Commercial, Residential and Plots of lands on the Go!!!You Bid and You Win...!!!Be there at The Biggest Auction in Nigeria Powered By Abuja Real Estate Auction Network!!! On the 20th of August @ Nicon Luxury. To registar please visit: Visit: www.abujarealestateauction.com or Call: 0811 933 3555 or 0817 171 1615 for more information (Auction are in three stages)Like us on facebook: @reantv, Twitter @restateauction and Instagram @realestateauctionnetwork and visit our website :www.reanetv.com

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